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Stella Chen
Secretary General

Stella is the figure-head for this year’s conference. As the Secretary General of this year’s Dynamic Model United Nations, her leadership of this ragtag group of first time MUNers and long-time delegates, this team is strengthened by her poise and resolute control.

Based on the experiences of MUNs and as a DSG of last year’s DYNAMUN, Stella is ready and thrilled about welcoming all delegates to Wagor international school at Beitun Campus on June 30 and July 1 to join the best MUN’s experience ever. We look forward to seeing all of you to show case of your international perspectives and shine bright as a social pillar of the future.

Vincent Yeh
Deputy Secretary General: Academics

Vincent sends his greetings to all delegates. As a freshman of Wagor International School he will serve as the Deputy Secretary General for DYNAMUN 2018.

Vincent’s MUN experience began just last year at DYANMUN 2017, yet he’s become a rising star in conferences surrounding global affairs. The vibrant and stimulating environment that it brings is what draws him into area conferences even without the support of friends. Vincent capitalizes on the atmosphere of MUN events, to build new friendships both within and throughout blocs.

Vincent stands as our academic powerhouse in developing the rich content of DYNAMUN. He stands beside every delegate, in support of their growth and potential, every time they raise that placard high into the air.

Sarina Chen
Deputy Secretary General: Press

As a senior in Wagor International School of Excellence, Sarina decided to culminate her high school life by serving as DSG of DYNAMUN 2018. On her journey of pursuing Psychology and Social Work major, she has devoted into social works and has given heed on human rights issues and international affairs. She aspires to "get involved" thus she started her participation in MUNs.  She is a returning delegate from DYNAMUN 2017, which was a conference that enhanced her interest in Model United Nation. With her past experiences, she is ready to share her passion in MUN to all coming delegate of this year MUN!!! 

Since starting her journey on Model United Nation, she has further nurtured her passion for debate in HMUN China, DYNAMUN and other debate contests such as World Scholar Cup. This time, instead of being a debater in the conference, she will be acting as a leader to the press team of DYNAMUN. Though Sarina is yet a young MUNer, she is an experienced leader. Her commitments in student government have equipped her with decent leadership. Taking this challenge of providing our passionate delegates high-quality media and press, she is delighted to lead her team to bring the best to you.

Rachel Potts
Chief of Staff

This year’s DYNAMUN is Rachel’s first ever MUN conference. Forged in the fires of Mount Wagor she has risen like a phoenix in her ability to properly manage a well-functioning team. Even with less experience than those she manages, her ability to empower the very best in them is a quality all have come to honor.

Her main focus this year is to deliver on the promise of offering the greatest debates and best in entertainment for the DYNAMUN 2018 event. Given her dedication and commitment there is no better person more capable of being successful in this pursuit. It is Rachel’s greatest honor to be trusted with staff management for this year’s event, she won’t let us down.

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